This week the Federal Conservative government of Canada put
out an attack ad against Justin Trudeau as the new leader of the Liberal party
of Canada. While I have never been a Liberal and don’t plan to become a
Liberal, someone in the PMO screwed this one up; suggesting that the
experience of being a camp counsellor is something at which to be scoffed. It’s NOT! You can see the media here if you haven’t already seen it
on your TV.
I don’t know what camp Justin attended, but it’s pretty
clear that the Conservatives have no idea the level of responsibility that a
camp counsellor (or cabin leader) takes on. For the week that a camper is at
camp, the camp counsellor becomes the parent, mentor, leader, guide, motivator,
confidant, friend, supervisor, advisor, teacher, supporter, organizer, chief,
trail blazer, spiritual role model and big brother/sister. AND, it’s a 24 hour a day job with
huge responsibility for the campers in their care. At many camps the camp
counsellors are also the activity leaders. These brave people take on leading
6-8 campers in the cabin and teaching 10-15 each activity period. For so many it’s
a way to give back for all the role models they had growing up at camp.
I tweeted the following out to our Prime Minster, Stephen
Harper and my local MP, Tony Clement: “@pmharper @TonyclementCPC why would you malign Justin being a camp
counsellor? That's an honourable job to have done!” No response yet.