Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Grandpa’s Tools

Recently I was cutting down a few in the way and dead trees in my back yard. It was good hard work. At one point I went to the shed and grabbed a cant hook (a tool for rolling over logs). It belonged to my Grandpa Greenfield and reminds me of him every time I use it. I have a few more of his tools including his journeyman’s box he made to carry his tools as a journeyman carpenter in British Columbia in the 1920’s. I have a brace and bit that I think is from him (or Ray Crawford) and it takes me back to my days of tapping trees for making maple syrup in his sugar bush in Speyside. I used it to tap maple trees myself and I passed the love of making maple syrup to my girls and a number of friends and staff along the way.

I remember working in his shop, building one thing or another. It wasn’t always good, but it was a pleasure to spend time with him. He used to tell us stories about his life when he was younger. Sometimes we heard the stories repeatedly, but I loved them. Sure wish I could hear one now. I remember living at Camp Ambassador after high school before attending Ontario Bible College and going to visit him in the hospital every week. Those were special days for me. I also inherited a love for the game of cribbage and bridge, although grandpa usually insisted on playing cut-throat and I lost most of the time.

Grandpa’s tools remind me of him and what he has passed on to me along with my fond memories and the experiences I shared with him. I also remember summers spent at his house in Meaford, helping out with my cousin Ken, riding in great Uncle Bill's truck and driving it once. In the end, it was time spent with him that made the time special. It's all about relationships.

Elaine and I have passed good things down to our girls too including values, skills, and I trust a good godly example. My kids have a love for camp work and seeing kids and youth come into a relationship with Jesus. They also have an appreciate ion for maple syrup that came from a few generations back. I hope that one day my tools will bring back great memories for my family and one day my grand kids.

Friday, 15 June 2012


I recently started being on Twitter, tweeting that is. I’m all the way up to 42 tweets. I’m pretty sure that’s not any kind of a record. I’m also not sure I understand all that it does, but people have started following me much to my own surprise; mostly people nice enough to follow me back after I follow them. I understand that’s a common courtesy though.

You can find or follow me on Twitter.com @WidjiMoose should you want to. Twitter is odd in that you only get 140 characters to say all that you can. Sometimes it’s too hard to find that many, but sometimes I want so many more. I don’t plan to tweet 20 times per day, so you won’t be overwhelmed by my proliferation of things to say. I also don’t want to tell you about my breakfast, drive to work or that I’m going to bed early.

Re-tweeting is odd too. It means I found someone else that can say what I want to say better and in 140 characters than I can. That said, I have retweeted and even retweeted a retweet. I’m not sure what to call that. And hastags. Is it more than just another use for the # sign? That one still mystifies me a little. I saw one I liked by a staff member that was #remindsmeofwidji.

At the moment I cannot get my twitter account to connect with my Facebook, so I’m having to copy and paste a favourite quote twice instead of once. Technology works when it wants to it seems.

I do want to share about cool events, exciting things, wisdom, quotes, camp stories of course and more as I get it all figured out. You’ll likely only hear from me once a day or five times a week. If it gets out of hand just let me know. Now that I have posted this blog, I guess I should tweet that I blogged.

Friday, 8 June 2012

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

Hebrews 12:1-3 - Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Who is your great cloud of witnesses? Hebrews 11 has a great list of the Old Testament patriarchs including Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. Plus there’s Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets. Then we have New Testament saints like the apostles, Paul, Timothy, Luke and more.

In more recent history we have examples like Martin Luther, St. Francis, D.L. Moody, Jonathan Edwards, Mother Teresa, John Wesley, Billy Graham, Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindoll and others you can name those who have been meaningful for you.

In my life I have people like my father in law, Vera Carol and several saints who have gone to be with the Lord, three mentors (J, P & T), my pastor Darrell and some great seniors in the church that I look up to. I also have a lot of people connected with camps I have worked with.

In addition I have some young people who have become an inspiration to my faith. Some have taught me to worship more freely, express my faith in different terms and rediscover God’s Word. As in the song Hosanna by Brooke Fraser says, I see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith. They are indeed doing that.

Those who went before us paved the way for all who follow. We benefit from the sacrifices of our predecessors, and we all leave a legacy for those who come after us.  Whose great cloud of witnesses am I part of? I hope I can be part of that cloud for my summer staff, SALTers and campers. I hope I’m part of a cloud for the youth at church and the young up and coming camping leaders. And for my girls and Tim too.

Whose great cloud of witnesses are you part of?

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The SALT Program

Hey Widji Fans!!!

My name is Citavo and I love Camp Widjiitiwin!!! I’ve been coming here since I was 11 years old because I love it so much and that’s a long time! This summer, I am the director of an amazing program at Widjiitiwin called SALT. It’s short for “Skills and Leadership Training!” For those of you who haven’t heard of SALT, it’s three weeks that are filled with so much awesomeness, you can’t even begin to understand until you’ve experienced it for yourself!!!

SALT is for ages 14-17 and includes a range of activities such as a 4-day canoe trip, rock climbing trips, service days in town, Bronze Medallion training, ORCKA (canoe training), and much, much more! Of course, it also involves your favourite camp activities like swimming, Widjiitiwin Basketball, the BLOB, low ropes, high ropes, our new water slide, basketball, volleyball, Cabin Specials and even more. SALT is filled with surprises and jam-packed with fun! It is a great place to meet friends that will last a lifetime! I love the SALT program because I know first hand what an amazing and life changing experience it can be!!!  

Come and join us this summer!