Friday, 15 June 2012


I recently started being on Twitter, tweeting that is. I’m all the way up to 42 tweets. I’m pretty sure that’s not any kind of a record. I’m also not sure I understand all that it does, but people have started following me much to my own surprise; mostly people nice enough to follow me back after I follow them. I understand that’s a common courtesy though.

You can find or follow me on @WidjiMoose should you want to. Twitter is odd in that you only get 140 characters to say all that you can. Sometimes it’s too hard to find that many, but sometimes I want so many more. I don’t plan to tweet 20 times per day, so you won’t be overwhelmed by my proliferation of things to say. I also don’t want to tell you about my breakfast, drive to work or that I’m going to bed early.

Re-tweeting is odd too. It means I found someone else that can say what I want to say better and in 140 characters than I can. That said, I have retweeted and even retweeted a retweet. I’m not sure what to call that. And hastags. Is it more than just another use for the # sign? That one still mystifies me a little. I saw one I liked by a staff member that was #remindsmeofwidji.

At the moment I cannot get my twitter account to connect with my Facebook, so I’m having to copy and paste a favourite quote twice instead of once. Technology works when it wants to it seems.

I do want to share about cool events, exciting things, wisdom, quotes, camp stories of course and more as I get it all figured out. You’ll likely only hear from me once a day or five times a week. If it gets out of hand just let me know. Now that I have posted this blog, I guess I should tweet that I blogged.

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