Monday, 13 August 2012

Why Widjiitiwin?

Guest Blog by Mozi
I often get asked, why did I every start coming to a small camp like Widjiitiwin, and what is it that keeps bringing me back? 

For those of you who don’t already know me, I’m Mozi, (not to be mistaken with Aussie, Mossy or any other interpretation) I’m from a relatively small island called England. 

I would have never thought, when I first applied a little over 4 years ago, that I would still be here.  I had applied initially after a conversation with a friend who had stayed at MBC a few years previous.  My intention was to spend one summer working at a camp in Canada that had a Christian ethic whilst I was at University in England.  I worked a split summer of SALT, and as a regular Cabin Leader. 

To say it was a memorable summer would be an understatement.  I remember my first time paddling a canoe, and steering straight into a diving board, my first time swimming in a river (something I now do daily) my first out-trip, and truly appreciating creation as something God has made for us to enjoy.  In fact – in many ways working that first 3 weeks of SALT, I think I took away more than the campers.  The whole summer continued the same for me, and upon coming back home, I was immediately converted, saving up for my next fight back to Canada.  In my eyes, I became a "camp kid" probably at 21 – a bit of a late bloomer – but still it was in my blood. 

When I came to Canada, I remember meeting a girl who would literally count down the days until camp started, from the day it finished the year before… I loved her passion, but at the time struggled to see why she did it.  Upon coming home, I realized why. 

I think in answer, camp is more than the ministry we choose to do, and more intimate than the community we live in.
 It is family.

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